We all love driving our cars to get us from place to place or just to jam out to your favorite music with your friends. However, did you know that cars and trucks combined account for about ⅕ of all carbon emissions in the United States. Unfortunately, we take our methods of transportation for granted and the consequences are significant. In the U.S., the transportation sector accounts for approximately 30% of all U.S. global warming emissions, the largest contributor of any sector.
These carbon emissions and other pollutants from transportation are greenhouse gases that collect in the Earth’s atmosphere and trap heat that would normally escape, in turn causing the warming temperature of the planet. As we see devastating impacts from the climate crisis, it is our responsibility to find green solutions that allow for a sustainable future.
One of the biggest transitions we are seeing today is seeing people switch from gas-powered to electric vehicles (EVs). According to Hedges & Company, there were 286.9 million registered vehicles in 2020 with plug-in electric cars making up less than 2% of the vehicle market. Making the transition to EVs are a great first step given the amount of cars on the road every day. However, public transportation is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, but it would be even better if it was run by renewable energy.
In order to make a significant reduction in carbon emissions, restructuring the efficiency of the transportation sector may just be a crucial step. From improving the supply train to utilizing green construction, the transportation industry has to become more sustainable to lessen its impact on our environment. Some ways to transition to a more green transportation infrastructure are linked here: https://usgreentechnology.com/10-ways-the-transportation-industry-can-be-more-sustainable/
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